fredag 15. august 2014

Poems 06, 07, 08

I'm still writing daily poems for this 30 day poetry challenge, but I'm on vacation and can't always find the time to publish them. Here are the poems from the last few days, and the one I wrote today.

Poem 06
In this particular poem you will notice
a hollowness, it being built
around a non-existing source
yet non-existence
is not its subject either. It might
if it had a subject
but it can't

Poem 07
A minority of tree-looking structures
are actually lampposts, strictly
held up by metal and design
their heads throw light
at a very specific section of street
unlike all other sections of street
to their eyes

you can rely on street

its textures wear down
at a measurable pace, so unlike
all the faces. What are they flickering
in and out of my light for anyway?

Poem 08
the looming world
the screech of false alarms
your heartbeat form a melody
of calm

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